Music Over Manhattan
Written by Mark Karlins
Illustrated by Jack E. Davis
Reviewed by Zachary G. (age 8) & Gino L. (age 7)
Did you ever have a show-off for a cousin? Once there was a boy named Bernie. He was bored. His cousin Herbert came over. Herbert gets all the attention and Bernie doesn?t. He got all A?s on his report card and Bernie got B?s and C?s in grades on his report card. Herbert thinks he?s as smart as a grown-up. And Bernie thinks he?s as dumb as a lazy crocodile just laying in the sun. We felt bad for Bernie. Herbert thinks he is so perfect. And then Uncle Louie took Bernie outside and he played ?Moonlight Over Manhattan?, the most beautiful song in the universe. Uncle Louie came over to give Bernie lessons. He practiced everywhere. One day Uncle Louie called Bernie. He said I have a person down (that means a person is not coming.) I was wondering if you can take his spot.
He arrived and played ?Moonlight Over Manhattan?. I?m not telling you the end of the story. We like this book because it?s really magical. There are interesting illustrations. And there are really cool characters. This book is for all ages. Even babies can enjoy it.
There is a problem, a very important problem. We recommend this book to anybody who wants it. At first it might be boring to you but it gets much better. We recommend this book because it has a lot of surprises. We liked it, so we think you would like it. We are not telling you the surprise at the end. Enjoy the book.
Don?t be sad if someone gets all the attention. The people in your family still love you. If you don?t think you?re good at anything, just believe in yourself and you?ll get a new talent.