Molly Moon Stops the World
Written by Georgia Byng
Reviewed by Ariana V. (age 11)

Imagine that you were sent to Los Angeles by a close friend all alone. This is what happens to Molly Moon, but she isn't there for fun, games and celebrities. Her mission is to stop a wealthy and powerful hypnotist named Primo Cell. He has many people under his power and wants to become President! Can Molly overcome her fear of Primo Cell and stop him?
I really enjoyed this book because there were many different mysteries connected to the one mystery of what Primo Cell is doing. I was on the edge of my seat in the parts when Molly was in the tight situations. These situations were nerve racking and suspenseful. As I read this book it made me feel as if I was really there experiencing the terrifying Primo Cell, because there was so much description. The most special thing about this book is that it feels real, but is something that can never happen. My favorite part of this book is when Molly's close friend tells her how powerful Primo is. I could just feel the fright in Molly's heart.
I recommend this book for 6th to 8th graders because it has many difficult words that younger readers might not understand. People that like a lot of suspense and mystery, I think, would really enjoy this book because Molly faces many mysteries that keep you guessing.