How To Eat Fried Worms
Written by Thomas Rockwell
Illustrated by Emily McCully
Reviewed by Lauren B (age 9)

Do you like worms? Do you like worms so much you would eat them? Well, Billy Forrester ate some. Not just one, he ate FIFTEEN. Why? Alan, Billy's friend, bet Billy he couldn't eat fifteen worms for $50. Of course, Billy agreed to do it. In this story, there are tricks, fights, solutions, and, of course, WORMS! Will Billy win the bet? Or will he lose? Read the book to find out!
My favorite part was when Billy ate his first worm. Alan and Joe were in charge of finding the worms. I'm not going to tell you where exactly they found the first worm, but I'll give you a hint : they found it in a very disgusting place! The worm was a very big night crawler. I didn't think Billy would actually eat the worm.
My favorite character was Tom. Tom gives Billy courage when he is unsure about eating his worms. Tom does not let Billy forget about the money and a special bike they're looking at getting.
The illustrations are in black and white. They add to the story by expressing the feeling of the characters in pictures.
Tom reminded me of myself. I like to encourage other people to do what they are afraid of doing. Tom encourages Billy to eat the worms. He wants to win the bet, but he is afraid of eating the worms. Tom would not want to eat the worms.
I recommend this book for 3rd graders and up and NOT for girls(or boys) who get sick and disgusted easily. I thought the book was a good book. It was pretty funny, and gross of course!