Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul
Written by Jack Canfield
Reviewed by Sophie R (age 11)

In this book there are 101 stories about being a preteen. My favorite story is about a girl who has always wanted a horse, but her family doesn't have the room or money. Her siblings tell their parents that their sister has asked for a horse every year for Christmas. On Christmas morning she finds no horse until she looks out the window to see her dad on her horse. These are the kinds of stories in this book, so if you want to hear more, read the book.
Another good story was one about a girl who was in the hospital and was put in a room with a girl named Annie Wiggle Do .I thought it was funny because Annie had a variety of wigs, because the cancer medicine made all her hair fall out. Do you get it? Any wig'll do, Annie wiggle do!
A girl named Courtni changed in one story. She was happy until her grandma died. After that, she was sad until one day her teacher wrote her a note. The note said her teacher was so sorry about her grandma, and that she loved her like her own child. Then Courtni changed again.
In one story there was a group of teenage girls who were all best friends. One night the phone rang and said to go to the hospital. When Beverly got to the hospital they said, her friend Kyle was very hurt and her friend Angela had died in a car accident later that night. After this story I felt very sad. I thought how hard it would be to lose your friend. That story also reminded me of when my cousin's best friend died in a car accident. She was so sad. I was sad also because she was so nice to me when I was at her house.
I would recommend this book to people who like non-fiction stories. This book makes you want to read more. It's cool and sad to see what other people's lives are like. Read Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul to hear more stories told by children and adults.