The Man Who Wore All His Clothes
Written by Allan Ahlberg
Illustrated by Katharine McEwen
Reviewed by Douglas F. (age 8), Benjamin M. (age 8) & Emilien C. (age 7)

In Antarctica, people wear lots of clothes. Mr. Gaskitt wears lots of his clothes, but he?s not going to Antarctica. Mr. Gaskitt is on his way to work, wearing ?all his clothes?, and all sorts of strange things happen. For, example, a truck full of Christmas trees falls over in the street in front of him, he gets stuck in traffic, and there?s a robber in this story.
Mr.Gaskitt has a good heart. He cares about children. This family is one of the nicest you will ever read about in a book. We like the pictures when the whole family is together. They always include Horace, the cat. Douglas?s favorite part is when they chased the robber. We thought it was amusing when the robber stole a pizza and ate a slice of it while he was running. How would you catch a robber? This robber gets caught in a very unusual way, by someone who finishes the pizza! Emilien?s favorite part is the car chase, because everybody in the Gaskitt family is chasing the robber. It?s hilarious! The pictures are colorful. Katharine McEwen used waterpaints and crayons to make the illustrations. We like the map. It reminds us of the pictures by Shiela Moxley in Stone Girl, Bone Girl. It is a diagonal view and an aerial view. The illustrations have lots of speech bubbles, so things that can?t really speak, like the traffic signal and the truck, do speak in this book.
We recommend this book to people who like funny books. You can pick it up at your library.