1 George Washington

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

George Washington

Written by Frank Murphy

Illustrated by Richard Walz

Reviewed by Nolan H (age 8)

George Washington

George Washington is one of America's heroes because he is honest and brave. George Washington loved animals. George as a boy rode fast on a horse. George Washington went to the Revolutionary War. George finds a lost dog. George returns the dog back to General Howe. America chose George to be their first president.

I like when George went hunting with his dogs. I like that part because I've always wanted a dog or a puppy. My least favorite person is General Howe. I don't like him because he is one of our enemies! It does relate to me because I love animals like George Washington. Yes, it has a lot of pictures, but it does not help tell the story. The pictures don't match up with the words on the pages.

I think other people should read this book because it tells about America's greatest heroes!