Are You My Mother?
Written by P.D. Eastman
Illustrated by P.D. Eastman
Reviewed by Matteo L. (age 8)

In this book the main character is a little bird. His mother leaves the nest to look for food for him. He falls out of the nest and tries to look for his mother. The baby asked all kids of animals if they were his mother. He asked a kitten and other animals. He even asked a steam shovel that he called a ?snort? where her mother was. The ?snort? put her back in his nest.I liked this part the best because the bird was confused and thought the "snort" was an animal. The mother came back with food for the baby. The ?snort? was so nice to her! The pictures in the book are colorful. I like this book because it has a happy ending. The baby bird got back to his next and the mommy bird didn't even know he was gone! I would recommend this book to anyone that likes birds and steam shovels!