Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy
Written by Barbara Park
Illustrated by Denise Brunkus
Reviewed by Jessica R. (age 7)

This book is about a girl named Junie B. Jones. She wants to work at beauty shop, but her dad says she can?t because it takes a lot of practice. So she practices and tries, and it?s really funny. It takes place half at the beauty shop and half at Junie B.'s house. In the beginning, Junie?s dad took her to a beauty shop. She really liked all the stuff she saw and she said, "I want to work here." Then she went home and started practicing on all kinds of stuff. First, she cut her stuffed animals fur, then she cut her bunny slippers, then she cut her dog's fur and then she cut her own hair! At the end, her parents found out that she cut her own hair, and she was in big big trouble. After school the next day, her dad brought her back to the beauty shop, and the lady fixed Junie B.?s hair.
I enjoyed this book a lot. I liked it because I learned a few things about beauty shops. I also liked this book because Junie B. Jones is a funny character. She would be very funny to have as a friend. This is a book in a series about Junie B. Jones, and just like the others, Junie gets herself into trouble and out again.
I would recommend this book for second grade through fifth grade because it?s a story that could happen in real life and I think they would find it very funny.