The Whipping Boy
Written by Sid Fleischman
Illustrated by Peter Sis
Reviewed by Timothy K. (age 9) & Tristen E. (age 8)

The story is about a prince named Horace. If Prince Horace gets in trouble he has nothing to fear because he doesn't get whipped because that is the job of the whipping boy Jemmie. If Prince Horace gets killed then the guards will find his body dead then the guards will misunderstand and think that Jemmie killed Prince Horace. There is one lesson in this book and it is not to run away.
We think this book is very sad and it makes us angry because we don't really like what Prince Horace does. The illustrations are made with pencil and ink. The illustrator used black and white color. We think the illustrations have lots of details. I (Tristen) think some of the illustrations are very scary. I (Timothy) think that people who like guards and kings would like this book. Some pages reminded us of our lives like when Jemmie is hiding in the willow tree because it reminds us of when we play hide and go seek outside. We would like to recommend this book to someone who likes sad books and people who like chapter books.