1 Redwall

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


Written by Brian Jaques

Illustrated by Gary Chalk

Reviewed by Dennis Y (age 10)

Redwall is a book about a young mouse named Matthias. Matthias lives in a huge abbey called Redwall. Then, one day Cluny the Scourge, a huge rat with a tail like a whip arrives with an army of rats. In order to save Redwall Matthias must find the ancient sword of Martin the Warrior, which is held by the huge adder Asmodeus. Along the way Matthias meets Warbeak the sparrow queen and Log-a-log leader of the Guosim a band of shrews. Will Matthias defeat Cluny? Or will Cluny rule Redwall? Read this book to find out! I enjoyed this book because of all its colorful characters like Warbeak the sparrow queen, Asmodeus the adder, Constance the huge badger and Log-a-log leader of the Guosim. My favorite character is Log-a-log because he is small, obnoxious, and constantly arguing but in spite of all that he is still brave and loyal. I also enjoyed this book because of its action packed storyline. I also enjoyed this book because of its excellent food descriptions. I immensely enjoyed this book because of its action packed storyline, tasty sounding food and hilarious characters. Any one who enjoyed stories like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings would enjoy this book. This book is the best!