The Spider and the Fly
Written by Mary Howitt
Illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi
Reviewed by J.D. (age 6)

In this book there is this spider who wants to catch the fly. The first time the Spider was trying to trick the fly by getting her into his kitchen, it didn't work at least not the first time he tried.
The spider kinda grossed me out at the beginning of the story, but by the end I liked him. He rhymed! I really liked the part when the fly got away from the spider. I also really liked that the pictures were in black and white. It made the book spookier.
The book reminds me of my basement because it is dark and has lots of spiders, or maybe of a haunted house.
I think other kids will like the story because it is spooky looking, but not too scary.
(This review was dictated.)