Pal the Pony
Written by R.A. Herman
Illustrated by Betina Ogden
Reviewed by Olivia H. (age 6)

This book is about a pony named Pal. He is too little to help on the Star Ranch so he just nibbles some grass and swishes his tail. He feels bad because he can't run very fast or pull heavy wagons. He wants to be just like the big horses. Then one day he discovers something he can do better than anyone.
I like the pictures in this book of the horses and pony. They look real to me. Horses are beautiful animals. The pictures show them in fields eating and swishing their tails. My favorite character is Pal because he finds something he can do and helps others even though he is so little.
I recommend this book to first graders who like to read fiction books about horses. I think people will like this book because Pal feels bad about himself at first and then finds out he can do something special.