Purrfectly Purrfect, Life at the Acatemy
Written by Patricia Aauber
Illustrated by Betsy Lewin
Reviewed by Faith H. (age 8)

This book is about an acatemy where the funniest cat is Dudley. Why is Dudley a problem? The acatemy doesn?t have a kittengarden!
What I like about Purrfectly Purrfect is what the author writes for the head (the principal) in the book. For example, the head writes to Mrs. Frost, Dudley, Tiffany, and Bo?s owner, ?. . keep Dudley home . .?. She sends lots of letters to Purrfessor Catus.
My favorite character is Tiffany. She writes long essays for her homework. For example, when she writes about her camping vacation she explains that she did not have a good time, ?so I didn?t go out. I just hid near the camp.? I?m not like Tiffany, I love camping! My family goes camping for a whole weekend every month.
I think the author uses words in an interesting way. Instead of California, she writes Catafornia. I don?t like the illustrations. They are too sketchy. I only like the pictures of the cats. They?re all different.
I recommend this book to second through sixth graders. If you like cats that are funny and kind, read this book.