Wait Till Helen Comes
Written by Mary Downing Hahn
Reviewed by Amanda M. (age 11)

Heather is such a whine box now that her dad and Molly?s mom are married. So they are stuck with her, and on top of that, they moved into a church! There is a graveyard behind the house and there is someone or something out there. It is such a good story and I hope you will read it to find out the rest.
I like this book because it is a mystery. My favorite part was when the floor gives in at Harper House, and they find the ghost?s parents. Molly reminds me of my little sister because they get spooked easily. The ghost in the story changed at the end when it was trying to be spooky with Heather.
I recommend this book because it is very descriptive. This would be a good book for people who like dark, spooky stories. Well, if you like ghost stories you?ll like this book because it has a really bad ghost in it that tries to drown little girls!