The Seals On The Bus
Written by Lenny Hort
Illustrated by G. Brian Karas
Reviewed by Saryel U. (age 7)

The story is about a bus that has animals and people on it. A tiger is on the bus. Some snakes, some seals, some bunnies and some sheep get on the bus. All the animals start jumping around. The people are saying to themselves, "What's happening!" When the skunks got on the bus the people said "Help! Help!" because the skunks smelled.
One of the things I like is when the animals get on the bus they make a lot of different sounds like sssss, sssss, sssss, baah, baah, baah, and roar, roar, roar. This makes the book special. One of the pictures I really liked was when all the animals got off the bus.
Kids and grown up people should read this book if they want to laugh. It made me laugh a lot!