Froggy Goes To The Doctor
Written by Jonathan London
Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz
Reviewed by Johnathon R. (age 7)

Froggy was going to get a check up at the doctor's office. He took all of his clothes off so the doctor could give him a check up. Froggy forgot to wear his underpants so his Mom got his some new ones. He was healthy and the doctor gave him a gold star on the chart.
My favorite part of the story is when he almost gets a shot because it is funny. My favorite character is Froggy because he does silly things. This story relates to my life because I have been to the doctor's office too. The story has pictures and they help tell the story.
You should read this book because it will teach you not to be afraid of the doctor. You will have fun when you get your check up like Froggy did.