Science Fair From the Black Lagoon
Written by Mike Thaler
Reviewed by D.S. (age 8)

Science Fair from the Black Lagoon is a very funny book. Mrs. Green says that there will be a science fair. Hubie can't decide whether to clone himself or to make a laughing machine. Hubie makes his decision after he has a dream. He decides to make a laughing machine. Will Hubie win the science fair or will mean Miss Green fail him?
I enjoyed reading this book because it is funny, scientific, and easy to read. It is funny because I laughed when Eric used body parts for cars to make a monster. It is scientific because the author wrote about a lot of science machines like a time machine. Last, it is easy to read. It has long chapters, but the words are easy to understand .This book made me more interested in science.
I liked the illustrations in this book. They help to tell the story, were creative and funny. The illustrations help tell the story because they went with what the author wrote.The illustrations are creative because they are made with interesting shapes. Finally the illustrations are funny because they made me laugh. Look through the book to find out what I mean.
My favorite character is Hubie. He is my favorite character because he is very smart and creative. He has the best science fair project. Hubie also has a good chance of winning the science fair. Out of the two science projects he wants to do, which one do you think Hubie should choose?
I recommend this book to people of all ages. Kids who want to learn more about science should read this book. It is very funny too.