Arthur's Tooth
Written by Marc Brown
Illustrated by Marc Brown
Reviewed by WH (age 7)

Aurthur has a loose tooth but it won't come out. His friends tease him because they think he is a baby who still has his baby teeth. He has to go to the dentist and his friends think the dentist is a bad place to go. The dentist tells him that everyone looses their teeth at different times and Aurthur realizes that the dentist isn't so bad. When Aurthur goes back to school, his friends are playing a game, but they leave him out. One of Aurthur's friends bumps into Aurthur, do you think his tooth will finally come out?
I am trying to make my tooth come out just like Aurthur was in the story, so I really liked this book. I really liked when Arthur went to the dentist because it was really noisy in the waiting room. It reminded me that I have been in the waiting room a lot. The illustrator did a nice job drawing the pictures. It was very special when Arthur finally lost his tooth. Everyone was very excited for him.
I know that my brother would like this book because he likes to read the Arthur TV show. Other children would like this book because they all loose their teeth at different times.