101 Dalmations
Written by Mary J. Fulton
Illustrated by Don Williams
Reviewed by Giovanni L. (age 9)

Once there were Pongo and Perdita who were dogs and roger was playing the piano and the fat lady nanny was eating cupcakes. Anita was looking at Roger and the dog was being crazy because nanny said 15 puppies were born from perdita. Then the bad lady said how much for the dogs and the nanny said they were not selling. Then the bad lady asked Horace and Jasper to steal the dogs at night. The bad lady was having the same colors as the dog black spots and white skin. The bad lady wanted to make a coat like the same color as the dog. Pongo said bark bark and all the dogs heard Pongo and they barked the same. And there was a dog with long ears and the goose took his ear up to hear the dogs barking. Then Tibs said those puddles and he went close to the window and saw that they were little puppies. Then the cat went to the Devil place and all the puppies were watching television and Horace and Jasper didn?t see that the cat took all the puppies out of the house. Then Pongo heard when the little dogs were saying bark. Then Pongo and Perdita went on their way to the De vil house and they were tired. Then Perdita and Pongo saw Tibs and the cat. Then they went inside the house as the cat was taking them out. Then the horse saw Pongo talking with the puppies. Then the puppies went out the back door. Then the horse KICKED!!! Jasper, Pongo and Perdita hid with the puppies under the bridge and Horace and Jasper were looking at them under the bridge and one puppy slid in the ice snow. And then a collie said let take you to a warm place to stay and we will give you something to eat and puppies were drinking milk from the cow. Then 99 puppies were sleeping. Collie was talking to Pongo and Perdita and then the 99 puppies went on their way and Pongo had a big leaf to erase the footprints. But the bad lady saw the footprints in the snow. Then the bad lady was looking for the puppies that went to the soot to change their colors to black. Perdita was looking at Pongo because they were all dirty looked like garbage.
The book was so funny and so crazy because Pongo was very happy to see the puppies, to see 101 Dalmatians. It was a good book because it was a nice story and I liked the pictures because they so great and crazy. My favorite part was when the Pongo was being dizzy and crazy.
I recommend the book because it is nice and the story was great. I would recommend the book to my whole family.