Wayside School is Falling Down
Written by Louis Sachar
Reviewed by JA (age 10)

The Wayside School is Falling Down book is 30 short stories that somehow go together. Some of the stories take place on the 19th floor, and the teacher's name is Mrs. Zarves. In reality there is no 19th floor or a teacher named Mrs. Zarves. It is just a dream that everyone seems to be having. Some of the stories are about a boy named Benjamin Mushmut, who changed his name to Mark Miller. Benjamin doesn't have the heart to tell Miss Jewels what his real name is. It has a great ending, too.
I loved this book because I wish I had a class like the one in the story. There are a few interesting characters in the class. For example, Mark is always trying to tell his teacher his real name but gives up when the teacher asks him a question. I also like the book because there are a lot of funny kids in Miss Jewels' class. There are three Erics in the story with different personalities that made me laugh. Some of the funny students remind me of the students in my class. I think this story is unique because the teachers don't really care about what the kids are doing.
I recommend this book to all because it is so funny. There is a laugh on every page. It is a book that is difficult to put down because you always want to read what happens next. I would say that children 5 and older will like this book. It would appeal to anyone in school.