1 What's Heaven?

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

What's Heaven?

Written by Maria Shriver

Illustrated by Sandra Speidel

Reviewed by Crystal H. (age 8)

What's Heaven?

Kate is the main character in this story. Kate's great-grandmother has just died so she asks her Mom a lot of questions about heaven. She wants to know what heaven is and if there is a gate in heaven. She also wants to know if there is a "people heaven" and an "animal heaven" because her pet dog has died.

I liked this book because Kate kept asking questions that I had about heaven, too. I liked when her Mom answered the questions about what heaven was like and if there is a "people heaven" and "animal heaven" because my bunny rabbit died when I was six years old. My favorite part of the book was when Kate went to her cousin's house. I liked that part best because Kate got to ask more questions. She asked if her great-grandma had died. When I was three years old my great-grandma died and I wanted to see what answers Kate got from her cousin.

This book was different from other books I've read because it had questions about heaven and then the questions were answered. This book was also different because it wasn't imaginary. It talked about something serious.

The pictures in this book look like chalk drawings. The illustrator uses a lot of light colors. Almost every page has a picture.

I would recommend this book to second and third graders who wonder about heaven and what it is like. I would recommend that a parent or an older brother or sister read this book to a second or third grader because some of the words are hard. You can also ask the person who is reading it to you your questions.