Rainbow of My Own
Written by Don Freeman
Illustrated by Don Freeman
Reviewed by Lipy B. (age 8)

I think that the author of 'A Rainbow of My Own' wanted kids to believe that we could use our imagination whenever we want to. For example, the boy in the story saw a rainbow. He wanted it for himself but you can not feel a rainbow you can only see it. The boy pretended that he could feel it and play with it. I agree with the author because kids can use their imagination. I like the story because the childen can use there imagination whenever they want to. The pictures are nice and are made by water colors.
One day, I imagined that I could feel a rainbow when I was 5 years old. My mother said that you can not feel a rainbow but you can see it. I pretended that I could touch it.
I will recomend this book because this book is make-believe and I think that kids will like it, it teaches you could your imagaination whenever you want to.