1 Tornado Alert

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Tornado Alert

Written by Franklyn M. Branley

Illustrated by Giulio Maestro

Reviewed by Alonie C. (age 9)

Tornado Alert

In the story 'Tornado Alert' Franklyn M. Branley tells children about tornadoes. When a tornado is about to come or form there is lots of thunder, lightning, rain and hail. There is hot air and funnels of black clouds in the air. These funnels can become tornadoes. Little tornados last few moments as big tornadoes last about a few hours. Small tornadoes cause a little damage and big tornadoes cause almost 100% of damage.

A tornado's speed can be 300 M.P.H.! Maybe the speed of the tornado causes more damage to happen. A tornado can pick up all sorts of things such as sticks, stones, bricks and maybe HUMANS! These are 4 instructions 1. listen 2. look 3. don't panic 4. follow instructions. When a tornado is coming you will be warned. A news reporter will tell you what you should do. If a tornado is coming here's what you should do. 1. Find a storm cellar to hide in. 2. Get out of a mobile home, a tornado can destroy it.

Once I was in Florida and there was a tornado. I was young.The tornado destroyed houses and even tall buildings! My mom and I went to a storm cellar and when we got out it was safe to play again.

I recommend this book to others becuse it tells you what to do during a real tornado. I'd also recommend this to you because the illustrations are totally, extremely cool because they are so life like and colorful, they might make you think of a real tornado.