The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat
Written by Nurit Karlin
Reviewed by Rilka S. (age 7) & Li Tang Y. (age 8)

This is about a witch that has a pet rat and a pet cat. The witch went out one night and the fat cat got out of the vat and sat on the mat. The rat came in and said, "It is my mat". The cat did not care. The rat said "I will go get my friends bat and hat." The rat wanted the friends to talk to the cat to get him off the mat. The rat also tried taking a fish in a dish to get the cat off the mat. Our favorite part was when the cat got off the mat and the mat said "thank goodness" because we did not know that a mat can talk!!!
It is like the three little pigs because the animals talk. We like the illustrations because the cat always gets bigger on every page.
We recommend this book to people that like funny books because this book is very funny. This book is very, because the cat always looks like he is sleeping when he is not sleeping for real.