Sugar Isn't Everything
Written by Willo Davis Roberts
Reviewed by Shelby N. (age 11)

Poor Amy! Lately she has been hungry and thirsty all the time. She also has to move into her sister Jan?s room because her grandma is moving in for a couple of months. Since she?s always thirsty, she always has to go to the bathroom. Her friends are starting to wonder. Then, one day, Amy collapses. She goes to the hospital and finds out she has diabetes, a life long disease that can?t be cured... yet.
This book is one of the best I?ve ever read! It?s so good because I wasn?t very familiar with Amy?s diabetes and this book taught me a lot about it. This book is special because it goes through everything most kids go through if they have diabetes As I read the book, I felt very sorry for Amy. She has diabetes that she can?t cure right now.
I definitely recommend the book because it has tons of information about diabetes Amy has. I think the intermediate grade levels would like this book best. I think Amy would interest readers most because the book describes how she feels about everything.