Written by Louis Sachar
Reviewed by Blake L. (age 10)

A boy named Stanley Yelnats is known for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was accused of stealing a famous baseball player's shoes. (He really didn't steal them). Since he supposedly stole the man's shoes, he was sent to Camp Green Lake, which is in the hottest desert in America. At camp Green Lake, you have to dig holes. The warden at the camp is very mean. She says she is making them dig the holes for discipline, but she is really looking for treasure. One day Stanley finds the treasure and......... you will have to read the book to find out what happens to Stanley.
I really liked this book. I liked it because it had lots of action. Stanley changed by becoming smarter and stronger. He also lost a lot of weight. My favorite part was when Stanley stole the water truck and tried to drive away.
I recommend this book because it is fun and full of action. This book would be good for all ages. Anyone will like it.