Tuck Everlasting
Written by Natalie Babbitt
Reviewed by Kansas R. (age 9)

Tuck Everlasting is about the Tucks who have a secret, and can't tell about it. The secret is a spring that has a power to freeze them in their current age. The Tucks look normal, but the secret is that spring, a magic spring. But a little girl finds out about the spring and she must not tell. Miles and Jesse Tuck are leaving clues that a man in a yellow suit is following, and the Tucks could be in danger.
I really liked this book a lot because it was so exciting. I wanted to keep reading it when we had to quit. My favorite character is Jesse. I like Jesse because he plays it cool. My favorite part is when Jesse said he and Winnie would get married. I like that part because it's funny. It will take six years before they can really do that.
This book is tremendous! I recommend this book! I think fourth and fifth graders could read this book on their own. Tuck Everlasting is a good book. You should read it!