1 River Town

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

River Town

Written by Bonnie Geisert

Illustrated by Arthur Geisert

Reviewed by Cody C. (age 8)

River Town

Do you like rivers? This book is about a river town that's always busy. Trains and barges carry cargo in all seasons. Something different happens every summer, fall, winter and spring.

My favorite part of the book is when there is a flood because it shows how the land changes. The flood reminds me of the Ohio River. Sometimes the Ohio River floods and covers farms that are close to the river. The artist of this book uses differnt colors, but every page also uses black ink to outline different parts of the drawings.

Second and third graders could read this book on their own because the words in this book are second and third grade level words. Anyone who likes rivers would also like this book because it shows the river as it changes.