Olivia Saves the Circus
Written by Ian Falconer
Illustrated by Ian Falconer
Reviewed by Jessica M. (age 7) & Maria L. (age 8)

A pig named Olivia goes to school and tells the class about the circus. Olivia began her story, "One day my mother took Ian and me to the circus." At the circus, they discovered that all of the performers were out sick. Olivia decides to help out with the circus. Olivia juggled some balls at the circus. After Olivia finishes her story the teacher asks, "Was that true?" "Pretty true," says Olivia. Was that all true? To find out the rest of the story, you'll have to read the book.
Maria's favorite illustration was when there were dogs in the grand finale because the dogs were cute. Jessica's favorite part was when Olivia goes with her father sailing in the sea because she thinks it is nice to take someone out in the sea.
We liked Olivia's idea to help out at the circus because she put on a fantastic show and made everyone laugh. We don't think that we could put on a show. We wouldn't be able to walk on a tightrope because the wire is too thin. Also, the swing is scary because it is so high, and goes back and forth too many times.
People who like pigs and who like to go to the circus will enjoy reading this book.