1 If You Take a Mouse To School

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

If You Take a Mouse To School

Written by Laura Numeroff

Illustrated by Felicia Bond

Reviewed by Tyler H. (age 7) & Craig L. (age 7)

If You Take a Mouse To School

"If you take a mouse to school he'll ask for your lunchbox." You will have to do a lot of other stuff too! You might have to give him a snack and skateboard. One thing makes the mouse think of another thing. He gets carried away a lot. He does a lot of outdoor stuff like soccer and basketball. He likes doing math and spelling but he would be sent to 12th grade if the teacher saw how smart he was. He'll try a science experiment and make a big mess about it. If you want to know what else the mouse does at school, you'll have to read the book!

We like the book because the illustrations are cool. There's so many colors on each page. Our favorite part was the mouse house and furniture. The mouse needed a lot of blocks an clay to make it. It was funny because the mouse promised to make a little mouse house but it was so big. We felt good about reading this book because the book is funny and weird. The mouse does stuff people don't do normally do. This story is like a circle because it seems like it could keep going on and on.

We recommend this book to kids who like funny books. It's easy to read because there are not too many words on the page. This book has very good illustrations. We think you would like them too!

Tyler H. and Craig L.
are students in
Class C102