The Paper Bag Princess
Written by Robert Munsch
Illustrated by Michael Matchenko
Reviewed by Samantha A. (age 8) & Arundathi S. (age 7)
Elizabeth was a beautiful princess who was going to marry a prince named Ronald but a dragon smashed her castle. The dragon also took Ronald with him. Elizabeth wanted to follow the dragon to save Ronald. She looked for something to wear and found a paper bag and wore it. The dragon was easy to follow because of all the bones and forests that were burnt. At last, she found his house. Elizabeth exhausts the dragon by making him fly around the world in just twenty seconds and by making him burn one hundred forests with his breath. Will Elizabeth ever get Ronald back? Elizabeth has a big surprise for Ronald and Ronald has a big surprise for Elizabeth. If you want to find out the surprise, read the book!
This is a funny book that both of us like because it's like a fairy tale. Our favorite part is when Princess Elizabeth is naked. She looks surprised because this had never happened to her before. Elizabeth changes from liking Ronald to disliking Ronald because she finds out he really is a bum. The illustrations are very imaginitive and funny. All Robert Munsch books have opposite endings than you expect. Samantha's favorite part is when the princess calls Ronald a bum. This book reminds me, Arundathi, of when I used to be friends with someone but one day we broke up.
We recommend this book to people who like funny books because the ending is something you wouldn't expect. We also recommend this book to grades 3 and under because it is easy to read.