Roberto Clemente
Written by James Buckley, Jr.
Reviewed by Andres B (age 9)
Have you seen the book Roberto Climente? If you have seen it, it is about Roberto. He was born in Puerto Rico. Roberts parents worked on a farm. They would earn forty five cents a day. Robert later wanted to play baseball for the Pirates. But the coach did not allow him to play he would have to sit on the bench. One day when the Pirates were losing the coach put Robert into the game. But the Pirates were not losing for long Roberto did not like to lose so he played his hardest. That's why Roberto was one of the best baseball players in the world.
My favorite part is when Roberto is playing a baseball game at a giant baseball stadium this reminds me of when I am playing baseball. I also liked when Roberto make an out right when the Cubs are about to make a home run. This part is another example of why everyone loved Roberto for the great baseball player he was. All of the illustration in this book are done very well. I liked the illustrations because as I read the book I could follow along with the illustrations. As I read this book it made me feel like I was read to play baseball.
I recommend this book to all people. Because I think that this is a great book for families that think all books are important. I also think all kids would like this book. This book is good for all audiences.
Original Student Review In Spanish
?Haz visto el libro de Roberto Climente? Si lo viste se trata de que Roberto nacio en Puerto Rico. Sus papas trabajan en un cultivo. Ellos ganaban 45 centavos cada dia. Despues Roberto quiso jugar al beisball con los Piratas pero el entrenador lo ponia en la banca y no lo dejaba jugar. Porque lo podian agarar el otro equipo pero un dia cuando los piratas de Pittsburgh estaban perdiendo el entrenador dejo que Roberto jugara. Pero no para tanto porque a Roberto no le gustaba que lo agararan otro equipo por eso fue el mejor jugador del mundo porque jugaba muy bien.
Mi favorita parte es cuando Roberto juega en un estadio gigante esto me recuerda cuando yo juego. Tambien me gusto cuando Roberto hace un out casi cuando los cubs meten un home run y la gente piensa que pueden agarar la pelota. Esta parte es otro ejemplo por que toda la gente queria mucho a Roberto. Las ilustraciones estan bien hechas. Mientra lei este libro fue facil seguir lo que pasaba con las ilustraciones. Despues de leer este libro yo me senti listo para jugar el beisbol.
Yo recomendo este libro a todas las personas Porque pienso que es el mejor para las familias que les importan todos los libros. Tambien pienso que este libro les gustaria a todos los ni?os. Es un libro para todas las audiencias.