Song Lee In Room 2B
Written by Frank Remkiewiez
Illustrated by Frank Remkiewiez
Reviewed by Andy C. (age 11)

This book is about a girl named Song Lee. She was really quiet and shy. Everything that the class would do like go to the window and see the snow come down she won?t go. Then Miss Mackle said, ?Class, for homework prepare a talk and take us to your favorite vacation spot and tell us what it is like. And bring in family photos, maps or brochures if you have any.? Then Song Lee had her eyes watery like if she was going to cry. It was because she did plays with no talking and things like that. Then the next day she tricked the class and her teacher after the kids went it was Song Lee?s turn. She went in the front of the classroom and looked at them and then ran out of the classroom when she came back she had a costume of a tree and she had an exciting speech she was never shy again she did plays with talking and different things.
This story is an excellent story because I?ve seen people that are shy like that. I like this story because it is interesting. Song Lee is not like anyone I know because I?ve never seen a girl or boy that doesn?t like to do things or is shy or quiet. But almost at the end she surprised me. I thought she couldn?t read her homework that she did and she did I was amazed. My favorite part from this story is when Song Lee came in with a costume and a speech because I thought she wasn?t going to go in front of the classroom. I did not like some of the characters because they like to pick on Song Lee as you can see if you read this book.
The illustrations were very good. The pictures I think were made of markers and colored pencils. I think the pictures were entertaining. It was entertaining because as you can see if you read this book, the pictures are weird , nice , exciting. You just want to keep reading after one page.
This is the first time I?ve read a book like this and I?m glad I did because this is a happy book. It is an exciting book because I was like I don?t think she is going to do it. She is not going to do it, she is going to run out of the class, and when she did it you will even be amazed like I was.
I recommend this book to my cousin. She knows how to read but I think she will enjoy it and also everyone out there.