Feathers and Fools
Written by Mem Fox
Illustrated by Nicholas Wilton
Reviewed by Jyneva P. (age 9)

In the story peacocks lived in the garden in the rushes and reeds and in a blue clear lake lived swans.
There was a problem in the story. The peacocks and swans got into a fight. The peacocks sharpened their feathers. So did the swans. The author is telling us not to fight with each other just because of differences.
I think this is a good book because it's not a good way to settle things.
This book made me feel sad because it made me think of the problems between black and white people.
The illustrator used dark colors. I think it makes the pictures look gloomy.
I thought these characters were interesting because they thought that they both did things differently but they both flew, swam, and thought the same.
I would think that kids in third through fifth grades would like this book. People who like books on fighting about differences would like this book.