Cherries and Cherry Pits
Written by Vera B. Williams
Illustrated by Vera B. Williams
Reviewed by Rachel K. (age 8) & Gina G. (age 7)

Do you like to draw? Bidemmi is a girl who loves to draw. Many times as she draws she likes to make up stories. She likes cherries so much that all of her stories have cherries and cherry pits. For example, Bidemmi draws herself in front a cherry truck. She tells the story of herself coming out of the subway station. And what should be there? A man selling cherries out of the back of a truck. She takes the cherry pits and plants them so they will grow and make cherries for everyone in her neighborhood.
I (Rachel) like the illustrations because they are painted beautifully. The pictures about Bidemmi are watercolor paintings. The pictures drawn by Bidemmi are magic marker drawings. I (Gina) think that Bidemmi is a lot like me. I like to draw and she likes to draw. We both like this book because it has cherries and it makes us hungry.
We recommend this book to people who like to hear stories and who like to draw. We also recommend this book to people who like cherries.