My Dream of Martin Luther King
Written by Faith Ringgold
Illustrated by Faith Ringgold
Reviewed by Jordan M. (age 9)

This book is about a man named Martin Luther King, Jr. It is about his life and what it was like for him to be growing up when blacks were not treated fairly. When Martin was growing up whites thought they were better than blacks. Martin believed that all people were created equal he worked hard with other people to prove that. When Martin was a young boy he wanted to be a minister and he did become one near the end of the book.
I think Martin Luther King really made a difference in this world. My favorite part was when he gave his, "I Have a Dream," speech. I like this part because it was his dream for all people to be treated equally.
Martin was a character who changed during the book as he grew older. First he appeared as a kid, then he appeared as a grown-up. I felt good at the end when it said, "Every good thing starts with a dream."
There are illustrations in this book. I liked them, it looked like the illustrator used chalk to make them stand out. The colors are very dark and powerful.
I recommend this book for 3rd graders to adults because they can learn a lot from it.