Written by Ian Falconer
Illustrated by Ian Falconer
Reviewed by Keita O. (age 8) & Luke I. (age 8)

Olivia is an active and busy pig. "She is very good at wearing people out." Her life is full of non stop action and things that she likes to do. Without rest she goes and goes and does not stop. She likes to go to the museum and the beach. Her parents let her do anything and everything that she wants to do because they make her happy.
We liked the illustrations because most of them were only black, white, and red. We thought that was cool because we haven't seen many books like that. Keita thought that the illustrations were funny. The funniest one was when Olivia was dancing. Luke also liked the illustrations and the writing because the author, Ian Falconer, used good details. Our favorite part was when Olivia went to the museum because the illustrator showed real paintings in the book. Luke felt happy because Olivia got to do what she wanted to do. This book reminded Keita of a time when he saw a pig.
We recommend this book to all grades because it is easy to read. It is good for beginning readers because it only has a few lines on a page. Someone who is active and always on the go will like this book because Olivia is an active pig.