Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days
Written by Stephen Manes
Illustrated by Tom Huffman
Reviewed by Apollo Y. (age 9)

You might think that nobody is perfect. This book tells how to be perfect in three days. There are three steps. The first one is to wear a stick of broccoli all day. The second one is don't eat or drink anything except water. The third day you can't do anything but sip weak tea slowly and go to the bathroom. You might think these tasks are impossible, but they are not. Milo Crinkley was almost perfect but he fainted. Milo learned a big lesson. Read the book to find out what it is.
The character that changed in the book was Milo. He thought that being perfect was fun but it was boring. My favorite part was when his sister threw a roller skate at him. I also liked the book because Milo kept doing funny things like wearing broccoli all day long!
I recommend this book to people who like funny short books and to people who like Stephen Manes' books. If you have read other Stephen Manes' books and liked them, you might want to read this one.