A-Z Mysteries Operation Orca
Written by Ron Roy
Reviewed by Tanner H. (age 9)

Have you ever went to Alaska? The kids in my book did! Josh, Dink and Ruth Rose were in Juneau, Alaska. Josh, Dink and Ruth Rose were on a fishing boat called the Jamaica and they found a baby orca while there were on vacation. The kids meet Mr. Turner and they found out that he was really rich but they noticed that his son and wife were gone. Mr. Turner gave the library something so it can get more space for the library books. Want to know if the baby orca got saved? Read the book to find out.
I would give this book an 8 out of 10 because I like mysteries. I thought it would be so cool to see a baby orca in Alaska. Josh, Dink and Ruth Rose were on a fishing boat and saw an orca. I was very worried when they took the baby orca. I was wondering why they would be taking a baby orca. They found the baby orca but you have to find out what happens next. I recommend this book to kids that like mysteries.