A to Z Mysteries: The School Skeleton
Written by Ron Roy
Illustrated by John Gurney
Reviewed by Richard C. (age 8)

Oh no! The school’s skeleton is missing. Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose try to solve the mystery of the missing school skeleton. First they find clues about this mystery. Like footprints in white powder. They trace the footprint. They then go on a hunt testing all the teachers shoes.No shoes fit. They find another clue- a key with a number 2 on it in Dink’s locker. They wonder who put it there and why? Now they have two mysteries. Are they connected?... well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out.
I love this series because it has a lot of mysteries and I love mystery series. In fact, since I started reading mystery books, I’ve been playing SPY with my cousin Miley. I really liked Dink. I liked him because he is really brave, like when he opened the locker when they saw the footprints led to it. Josh was too scared to open his locker first. My favorite part was when they solved the mystery of the missing skeleton. I liked it because they all helped solve it.
If you like mysteries I suggest you read this book and the series, especially if you are a third grader. It has all kinds of mysteries. Like in schools, the white house, museums, libraries, sleepy hollow, quick sand, out side, water, north pole, all kinds of mysteries. I'd give this book 5 thumbs up.