1 Melvin Beederman the Grateful Fred

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Melvin Beederman the Grateful Fred

Written by Greg Trine

Illustrated by Rhode Montijo

Reviewed by Maizy W. (age 8)

Melvin Beederman the Grateful Fred

In a book called Melvin Beederman, there is a superhero named: Melvin Beederman. Melvin has a sidekick named Candace. Together they fight crime in Los Angeles, California. They wanted to know who was cloning the famous Grateful Fred (Melvin’s favorite rock band). But, the evil Bad guy was making the real Fred look bad! The police thought the real Fred was doing all of the bad stuff, so they put him in JAIL! Melvin and Candace where there to help, though, when Melvin and Candace found out who was cloning the Grateful Fred. The real Grateful Fred got out of jail the evil bad guy went in and took the real Grateful Fred's place.

I like this book because there where a lot of funny parts in this book that made me laugh. One part that made me laugh was when Melvin and Candace freaked out because they thought pastrami was bologna (bologna is their weakness). Melvin and Candace remind me of my cat. Melvin and Candace remind me of my cat because my cat also has a weakness. My cats weakness is when me and my mom always hold her or watch a movie with her. Melvin reminds me of my dad because he always helps me with my homework when I am having trouble with it (like how Melvin helps Candace with her homework). Candace reminds me of my mom because my mom always gives me confidence in myself (like how Candace gives Melvin confidence in himself when he can't think of something).

I recommend this story because it is a fun story about a superhero named Melvin and his sidekick named Candace. People who love to laugh,read,and enjoy books should read this book. Why? Because there are many funny parts in this story, like how Melvin beederman can see people’s underwear. There are also some parts that are interesting about the characters, like how melvin had X-ray vision to see people’s underwear. The illustrations are great and awesome to look at. I think if you are 6,7,8,or 9 you will enjoy this book. I think you will enjoy this book because it's not too long and not too short. It's also not too easy and not too hard to read. .