Meet the Dullards
Written by Sarah Pennypacker
Illustrated by Daniel Salmieri
Reviewed by A.S. (age 8)
I think that Meet the Dullards is a fun book to read. It is written by Sarah Pennypacker. In the book the Dullards live a dull life and they like it that way. The Dullards is a family, with three kids. In the story the kids can not play outside, go to school and nothing exciting. They decide to run away to the circus to look for fun.
I think Meet the Dullards is hysterical because it has a funny story. An example of a funny part is when the kids are reading normal books, their parents make them read blank books instead. Another funny parts is when the parents think that watching paint dry would be fun. The kids choose to go outside and play instead. I also really enjoyed the illustrations because they showed the dull moments.
This book is good for kindergarteners to fourth graders. It is a fun picture book to read.