Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: The Babysitting Bandit
Written by Carolyn Keene
Illustrated by Macky Pamintuan
Reviewed by Mia S. (age 8)

In Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew Babysitting Bandit you will meet Nancy Drew, Bess, George, Mrs. Jacobs, and the twins.
One day Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew were babysitting the twins. When they got in to Mrs. Jacobs house, the twins were crying because they couldn’t find their binkies. Then the crew started to look for it. When Nancy was looking on the bookshelf she found black and green fingerprints and she was wondering who had black and green fingerprints. You will have to read this book to find out who has black and green fingerprints.
I liked this book because it made me curious because I wanted to know if Nancy Drew found out the mystery. My favorite part was when Nancy Drew Bess and George were babysitting the twins. I liked that part because when the twins were playing they were having a tea party. I liked the characters because they are all nice and they all look for clues. An example is when Nancy Drew needed help looking for clues Bess and George helped her.
This book might be perfect for readers who enjoy mysteries. I believe this book would be perfect for people in 2nd or 3rd grade. The genre of this book is mysteries and this might appeal to people who enjoy reading exciting mysteries and can’t stop reading it.