Written by Don Freeman
Illustrated by Don Freeman
Reviewed by Massiel G (age 11)

This book is about a bear named Corduroy. Corduroy waited with all the other animals and dolls for somebody to come along and take him home from the toy department of a big store. The main characters in the story are Corduroy the bear and a girl that wants to buy Corduroy. The girl's name is Lisa, she wanted Corduroy so much, but the girl's mother did not buy her Corduroy because her mother did have money. Also Lisa's mother did not want to buy Corduroy because he looked old with only one button.
Late at night Corduroy climbed carefully down from his shelf and began searching everywhere on the floor for his lost button. He could not find it. Then he found a bed with buttons. He tried to pick the button from the bed.
I think this story is kind of sad because Corduroy waited with all the other animals and dolls for somebody to come along and take him home. My favorite part in the story was when Corduroy tried to pick the buttons from the bed and fell of the bed.
I recommend this story to kids that like happy endings because this book has a happy ending. Read it and find out.