Pigtails and Inkwells
Written by John Hamlett
Reviewed by Nora B (age 9)

Pigtails and Inkwells is about a boy with many fun and different experiences. This book is realistic and funny at the same time. Mr. John Hamlett tells the story of growing up in the 1940's. It is his childhood during the war.
This is a great book. My favorite part was the story about polio. It was a sad time. One reason I liked this book is because it shows how life was back when war was going on. I really thought that John the boy was interesting. He did actually dip a girl's hair in ink! He is a lot like me!
I recommend this book because it has such cool stories. I think this book is good for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders because it has a lot of hard words. If you read this book, you will always want to turn the page.