The Horse in Harry's Room
Written by Syd Hoff
Illustrated by Syd Hoff
Reviewed by Myka O. (age 7)

Harry had a horse in his room and he loved his horse so much. He played with the horse all day in his room. His parents looked into Harry's room to see what he was doing. They did not see the horse. When Harry watched some horses in the country running free, kicking, and nibbling, he wondered if his horse would rather be free too!
My favorite part of the story is when Harry said, "Giddyap" and "Whoa" because it was funny. My favorite character is the horse because the horse made Harry happy. This story relates to my life because I had an imaginary friend when I was little. The pictures helped to see Harry's imaginary horse friend.
I think others should read this book because it is funny. I think this book is happy, lovely, and nice.