Written by Joan Holub
Illustrated by Tim Bowers
Reviewed by Audrey J. (age 6)

It was picture day for puppies. The girl, boy, and puppies went to get Shampoodle to get ready. When they were getting their hair cut, three kittens came in. The dogs chased them. Everything got messy because they were climbing on everything. After they left Shampoodle, they went to get their pictures. On the way there, they got messy again, so they took their pictures looking messy.
My favorite part of the story was when the puppies chased the kittens because it was funny. My favorite characters were the puppies because they made me laugh. This story relates to my life because I get my hair cut too! The pictures helped me to understand the story because they helped me learn about animals.
Other people should read this story because it makes you laugh. It is cool, funny, and exciting.