Junie B. Jones is a Graduation Girl
Written by Barbara Park
Illustrated by Denise Brunkus
Reviewed by Pablo P (age 11)

This book is about a girl named Junie B. Jones and it is her birthday. Her parents brought her gifts and a cake to celebrate her birthday. Then it was time to go to sleep and she was nervous about graduation and her mother told her that it was fine and nothing would happen. The next morning Junie B. woke up and went to school and her teacher was telling the whole class that graduation was on Friday and that to make invitations for their family members so they can go to her graduation. So every one was making invitations for their family and making a poem so every one was trying to make poem. Then one boy said something funny and he got in trouble and so Junie B had something funny to say too and she said it and got in trouble and got sent to the principal's office.
I think Junie B is funny because what the poem Junie B said roses are red, violets are blue, graduation is here and your feet smell like stink. She's so funny because she's always making jokes and always getting into trouble. I think other kids should read this because Junie B is a funny girl.
I recommend this book to kids because I think they will like this book a lot like me. I think this book will make them laugh because this book is really funny for me and it might be funny to other kids too. I want kids to read this book so they can have fun reading the book and laughing about the book.