1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Written by J.K. Rowling

Illustrated by Mary GrandPre'

Reviewed by Evan R. (age 12)

Harry lives with his aunt, uncle. and his cousin Dudley. They treat him like a freak and make him live in a cupboard, and Dudley bullies him constantly.One day he starts getting letters and his aunt and uncle don’t let him read them. Finally he gets a hold of one and finds out it's from a strange school called Hogwarts.

I love the Harry Potter series. One of the big reasons is the characters. The characters have very in-depth background stories to themselves, like Ron and how when Harry first meets him Ron tells all about all of his 5 brothers.

However, I have to say my favorite characters are Fred and George Weasley since they are always playing pranks on everyone. They made Ron's rat yellow by putting a spell on it, but he liked it because he thought it made it more interesting.

The Harry Potter series is also very detailed to the point you almost feel like you are with Ron Harry and Herminie at Hogwarts. For example, like when Harry describes the ceiling of the Great Hall by saying that it almost feels like you are outside since the Great Hall’s ceiling shows the sky.

If you like books about magic, you may also like the Percy Jackson series even though they are more about Greek mythology.

I recommend Harry Potter for people who like fantasy books. Really all ages will like it. When you read it depends upon how well you can read because they are long books in a series. Probably kids could begin reading at ten years old. That is when I first read it.

So in closing if you love the first book you probably will like the next six books equally or like them even more.