Olivia Helps with Christmas
Written by Ian Falconer
Reviewed by Emily (age 8)

The whole book is about Christmas. Olivia is worrying about Christmas because Santa Claus is coming. She makes blueberry pie and gives it to her little brother and her brother vomited a lot of blueberries on the kitchen floor. She can’t sleep and is worried her father is going to burn Santa Claus. She leaves cookies and milk but the dog eats it. They wait for Santa at 5:00 and 7:00 and he still doesn’t come. He only comes when they sleep! He brings them clothes and dolls and toys and pajamas. Olivia falls asleep because she is tired and she didn’t get any rest all day and waited for Santa Claus.
I like this story because it talks about Christmas and I love Christmas. I get a lot of presents from Santa Claus and I get a lot of candy from my family. It was a little gross because Olivia made blueberry pie and gave it to her little brother and he ate the pie and threw up. Ian Falconer was a great Author and must love books about Olivia. When the dog ate the cookie and the milk he burped in front of Olivia’s face it was disgusting. It reminded me of my brother Jesus because he always burps. Olivia thought that the raccoon up the roof was Santa’s reindeers. It was funny because Olivia was excited for Santa but it was just a raccoon.
I recommend this book to my little brother because he likes to read books all the time and as a bedtime story. A bedtime story is a better way to make my little brother fall asleep. This book is for babies because the characters look babyish. Babies would love this book because it’s all about Christmas and babies love Christmas. I would recommend this book to my Aunt because we could read it together at night.